Monday, July 14, 2003

And to round out my day, I visited the Apple store in the Galleria, to check out the stands that come with the iSight webcam from Apple. I determined that the stand that is meant to be stuck to the top of a monitor (the one with a little less than an 90 degree angle) will work with the FlexStand.

This is the point were I don't mention that I felt like I had "MS/Dell/PC/Gateway/Plebeian" tattooed to my forehead, because I had to wait for 12 min to get someone to pay attention to me. Yep, I didn't mention that. Nor am I going to mention that while they look cool, my very first (and last) experience with a Mac was in CompUSA, where I tried to run a program on an iMac(?) and was advised by said iMac that I was going to have to allocate more memory, because there wasn't enough allocated to that program. I know they are easy to use and simple and stuff, but for some reason I just don't have a desire to leave Micky Soft. If I do get the urge to learn another OS, it will be Linux or some flavor thereof.

(and while scrounging for those links, do you know what I found? That the site has a 10/10 page rank per Google toolbar, and Linux and MS only have a 9/10 I wonder how that happened?)

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