Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Moore's Movie

I'm not going to comment on the movie. I just had something that I really needed to say - which is: God bless America.

Why? In what other country could someone who works so hard against the "establishment" and professes an admittedly conflicting political view (re: other people making money vs. me making money) make so much money? What really has me laughing, is the way that he is encouraging the people at to "participate." A lot of parallels have been drawn between 911 & Passion. The most common being "grassroots" efforts to turn out attendance. The most curious parallel is the "controversy" surrounding distribution of each movie. Of course, one movie had a difficult time being distributed and ended up the producer did it himself and the other movie's producer said there was a difficult time distributing the movie, when the deal had been locked a year ago.

That's all I've got to say.

Well, one more thing - check out this trailer for another movie, which if it shows up on screen near me I will see.

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