Saturday, December 27, 2003

The Gutenberg Project is awesome - if you read a lot like I do, this is the place for you. Books and writings that have come into the public domain are available here for downloading.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Update on I got my stuff! And this makes me happy. Now all I've gotta do is wrap all the stuff I bought. Oh well, life isn't perfect, and while lazy, I have a distinctive way of wrapping that makes it imperative that I wrap presents myself (hasty, and little decoration :)).
If you want some equipment for networking - please check out This is a Texas based business, who delivers. They have a knowledgeable staff, who is more than willing to answer your questions (no matter how much or how little you know about networking). Check it out! I use them and end up paying sales tax on purchases from them - so if I'm willing to pay extra (there are a lot of companies who sell the same equipment outside of Texas) for their service, then they've gotta be pretty good.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Something that I obviously need to mention here is -

If you know someone who has a webcam - you need to buy them a FlexStand. You can purchase a FlexStand from - or from

They will be forever grateful for your thoughtfulness in resolving a problem that they knew they had, but didn't know how to fix.

If you are going to buy someone a webcam - the FlexStand is the perfect accessory (show the people you love, how much you care about them).

Yes, to see me in action, you should go here. Yes, I know - I have neglected my blog horrible for the past few months - reason being......well, while I don't have a life, I have been busy.

Did you know that Christmas is rolling down upon us? ACK! Well, I have avoided stores all together and done my shopping online.,, and the latest addition has been I purchase regularly from amazon - and they haven't let me down yet. Thinkgeek just got my first order, and responded like a champ. was ordered from this Sunday - so we will see how they do (or don't do).

Shopping online is better than catalog shopping - because who has room for catalogs from every site on the internet? Could you imagine amazon's catalog? Probably about 5-6 phone book size books. I have decided to shop online, because the thought of standing in line & smelling other people's body odor churns my stomach.

Dave Barry has a wonderful gift guide available, and I highly recommend it. No, I haven't bought anything that is on his list (yet).

All right, well this is all that I have time to write right now. If you cannot stand the thought of not having something to read that I have written, then send me an e-mail at: (no - I'm not going to link it).